Sunday, October 11, 2009

New Pics Up For Football

Here is the link to Shutterfly.  Check out the new pics I added this morning from yesterdays Football game.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Flu shot update

Another great reason to attend CCV. If your child is signed up for the school based health center and they should be because it doesn't cost you anything, they can get their physicals, some dental, sick care, and now immunizations at the school for FREE. Yes, free!! If you would like to make a $5 donation per visit you can and that money goes towards paying for medications. They have the seasonal flu shot available now for your child. They will have the H1N1 as soon as it is released. Flu shots are rationed from the gov per county so the sooner you can get your childs shot the better. Call Laureen or Sady at the school 689-9230 for more info. The clinic is open on Mon and Thurs but Laureen is usually around. Also, don't forget that the center services students and their sibilngs ages 0-21.

City Council Meeting update 10/7/09

Zowie Batman, What a time last night. First to start with the mundane. Surprisingly there was not a prayer this week. Whew...Read my last CC post and you'll understand. Attending was Dan, Sandra, Bruce and Lois. Gary is traveling. The administrators report was of course short. I'm failing to see why the City Managers cannot attend and report themselves to Council. The fire hydrants are being tested as per State regs. The tops are being color coded with spray paint so that the fire dept can tell which hydrants put out the most water. I won't go into all of the color coding details here but I will say that if you have a bag over one in front of your house, you might consider buying a really big garden hose. A reminder that snow removal is the responsibility of each property owner or tenent of a business or residence. As is maintenence or repair of sidewalks. The city admin not so nicely reminded everyone that they can bill you if the city does the work because you were neglegent. Ouch.....A spirit of civic pride and not fist slamming would be nice here. A private individual would like to build a house just outside of city limits on 4th street. The city would have to draft an agreement for water service. This issue will be addressed at a later date after more info. Last, the Medical Center has no Flu shots yet. Ha. You heard it here first!!Larry Manning from Planning gave an update on the "transportation exhibit". So far as Ii understand it is an addition to the Heritage Center. I'm guessing it was a state grant because I can't see Dan funneling any more money into the glass house. It was decided that any work wouldn't happen until next Spring anyway.
On to the agenda. Bronco Billys has been trying to use their lots by District Supply for storage for quite sometime now. I think the biggest objection was the proposed use of Conex Boxes. They have agreed to build an actual building that would be used for storage and maintenence. This seemed to be more agreeable to Council and they passed the rezoning of Lots from C1 to C2.
Item 2. Improvememts to Bennett. Chip Huffman, public works and Bill, City Admin. A really big poster with details of every pothole problem and curb issue from the District Museum to the Jailhouse Museum. Bill gave an impassioned, albeit whiny, speech about how the State refused to maintain or repair the State highway, technically Bennett Ave, that runs through town. Hmmm.... Now they know how we feel about the fence. Temp plan will get started right away to fill in the potholes with asphalt. Duh...After a quite lengthy disscusion over who talked to who, it turns out the Larry seemed to have everything worked out and was the one talking to all the right people.
Item 3. Womacks asked for money to repair the Palace sign. Passed with restictions on neon tubing. Old vs New. Same old story.
Item 4. The Elks lodge asked for HP monies to repair and paint the front facade of the building. John Sharpe, an Elks trustee, spoke about some of the strucrual problems the building is having. Item was tabled until the engineers report can be discussed in detail.
Now the rest of the meeting was the public comment portion. I spoke first and asked the Council about the feasibility of getting the Council meetings webcast. I think this would be great for all of us because you could just watch them yourselves at your convenience and you wouldn't have to put up with my sarcasm. Dan asked if I would be willing to set this up and of course I said yes, because I can't say no.....So, look for this to happen soon because I like to get things done. The rest of the Public Comments were very impassioned pleas to the Council not to let the Butte close or TATC leave our community. Dan specifically said that they would not close down the Butte but that they needed to scale back. Mary Barron and Michelle Kohne said it best when they both stated that they'd rather miss a few potholes, refering to Bennett, than miss the Butte. Mel Moser speaking later, after many others, said that he wanted to thank the City for the opportunity to produce live theatre in Cripple Creek and that he wanted everyone to know that they were good stewards of the City's money. I know this is true because as the costume shop manager I think I'm making about $2 an hour, and I know that there are other city dept managers making far more money than Mickey. He's working 12-14 hour days. In one last note. The mandatory trash service issue is, as Dan put it, DOA. In other words. Dead......

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Flu in Cripple Creek?

Totally UNCONFIRMED (see how I did that?) reports of the h1n1 flu at the school. We all knew that we couldn't avoid it forever, but I suspect that there have probably already been cases here. Make sure that everyone washes their hands and invest in some hand sanitizer. Visit your doctor if you have any respiratory trouble or a fever. I called the Medical center here, but they don't have the flu or the h1n1 shots available yet. I'll try to get a hold of Laureen at the school and see if they are going to have them for the kids. Stay posted.

City Council Agenda 10/7 2009

Ok, Civic minded citizens, here's the scoop on the agenda. First is of course the reports from the city administrator, finance, and historic preservation. I really think that all city managers should be required to attend and update council themselves. I'll work on that. Back to the agenda. Planning commision- request approval for rezone of C1 to C2 to allow storage facility. John Bowman and Pioneer group applicants.
2- Disscusion- Improvement to Bennett Ave. and Safety Hazards. Chip Huffman and Bill McPherson. Ya think?
3- Recommendation- Historic Preservation Commission- funding from Vacant and under Maintained historic Building Program, Womacks Casino, I hope this isn't going towards that big empty storage unit with the really great mural.
Recommendation- HPC funding and repairs and painting, Elks Lodge
The only way to complain is be part of the process. If you don't get involved then you can't whine later.See you there.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sports Pics

I tend to be a shutterbug and I couldn't decide which pics to post this week. It was quite a daunting task to sort through all 120 pictures that I took at the Homecoming games, so I decided to add them to my Shutterfly account so that everybody could see them all. This way you can order directly from Shutterfly if there are any prints that you want. Check out the collage prints. They are really cool and fast scrappin'. You can add several pictures to one large print, and you can even add titles and text. The photo books are cool too. You might do one of those at the end of the season. Anyway,  Check out the link.
 Homecoming was a blast even though we had a slight incident with kids slashing our trailer tires. Some kids just look for any reason to cause trouble. Both the Varsity volleyball team and the football team won their games. First time in 9 years so I heard. Congrats to all of our athletes and coaches  for working so hard.
Floating down Bennett in their decked out boat, the Junior Class won The Best Float Honors. Talk about being literal. :) Homecoming Nominates for the Freshman were Cale Brown and Darian Carrillo, Sophmores were Tanner Watkins and Rachel Schiller, Juniors were Latasha Wolfe and Nick Elges, Seniors were Shawn Dubbs and Morgan Peterson. Drum Roll Please.............and the Homecoming Queen and King are.... Morgan Peterson and Shawn Dubbs. Yea!! Come back tommorrow for updates on the City Council meeting scheduled for this Wednesday.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where Have I been?

Where have you been? You ask. Yes I'm still here. The Halloween show opens this Friday so I've been up to my ears in costumes for the last three weeks. You would not believe how much work it takes to get that stuff on stage. The show is great and I hope you all get to see it. Check out for tickets or stop by the theatre. Shows run Thurs through Sun until Oct 31st. You might want to check it out because it could be the last Halloween show since the Butte might be closing next year.
Some of you have posted comments but I'm not sure why they are not showing up. I'll try to figure that out today, ok lets be realistic, maybe sometime next week. Remember to become a follower or leave a comment with your name under my contest post Up A Cripple Creek Without a Paddle: Contest for Loyal Followers. Drawing will be on November 15th, so hurry up.